Saturday, January 12, 2013



No, I'm not in Hawaii (sad face).  I just occasionally get tired of saying things the same way all the time so I thought I'd switch it up a little.  I'm just sitting here being an insomniac so I thought I would share with you a song that I am currently completely obsessed with.  This song is called "Thieves" by She & Him.  She & Him is a completely amazing indie duo consisting of M. Ward and Zooey Deschanel.  I just so happen to be Zooey Deschanel's number one fan.  I absolutely adore her style and I watch her show, "New Girl" religiously so you'll have to forgive me if she makes quite a few appearances on my little blog.

This video captures her quirky retro style so perfectly!  

In other news, I have plans this weekend to go see Jekyll and Hyde, the musical at the Durham Performing Arts Center and I could not be more excited!  I have never seen the show before but I have loved and performed many of its songs for years!  Also, I have a possible snow boarding trip coming up the following weekend.  Life is sweet right now, despite the fact that I'm fairly broke and still living at home.  There is so much to look forward to in the upcoming months!

Do you have any exciting plans this weekend?  I'd love to hear about them!

Stay classy, planet Earth!



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